Block The Hate: The Confederate Monument Mural Project Call to Action
The Tubman African American Museum is seeking the cooperation and support of the Macon community in the creation of a very special exhibition.
In December 2021 the Tubman Museum will open a new exhibit. Block the Hate: The Confederate Monument Mural Project will document the events that took place in Macon in June and July of 2020 in response to the murder of George Floyd. George Floyd was murdered by members of the Minneapolis Police on May 25, 2020. His killing set off waves of protests in cities across the U.S. Macon, Georgia was no exception. Macon citizens marched and protested Floyd’s murder on June 2, 2020. The protest led to a movement to have two Confederate monuments removed from the center of downtown Macon. During this time, the city erected a plywood barrier around the monuments to protect them from potential vandalism. Local artists came together and took the opportunity to create art on the barriers in celebration of the Juneteenth holiday. The art project was called Block the Hate, and the murals remained downtown from June 19 through July 14, 2020, when they were removed and stored at the Tubman Museum. The Block the Hate Murals will be the centerpieces of an exhibit that documents all of the activity that took place in Macon in June and July of 2020 connected to the Black Lives Matter protest, the Block the Hate art project, as well as the movement to remove the Confederate monuments from downtown.
If you have materials related to these events, please contact the Tubman Museum at:
Materials of interest include physical artifacts, images, video, audio, links to images, video, audio, and/or contacts for people who may have these or other materials of interest. If you have already contacted the Tubman about this, please do so again at the listed email address. It will help us to consolidate our information into a more useful database.