Chief Financial Officer
After almost 27 years with Girl Scouts of Middle and Historic GA, Inc., in various business operations, financial and accounting positions, Barrie D. Miller-Howard is now the Chief Financial Officer of the Tubman African American Museum where she is responsible for the financial, human resources and day to day operations of the museum.
Born, raised and educated in Macon Georgia, she is a graduate of Central High School and Mercer University with a degree in Business Management. She is an active member of this community where she serves as the Treasurer of the SWHS Marching Band Booster Organization and PTSA and participated in the Leadership Macon Class of 2001.
She attends Beulahland Bible Church and is the wife of Darrell Howard. She has one son and four gandchildren. Most recently she was recognized as the TOP GREAT Volunteer at Southwest High School.
Mrs. Miller-Howard is your contact for careers at the Tubman.